I'm glad I don't have a green thumb. The 2 leaves in this necklace are real leaves from my garden (no they weren't plucked). The twigs are hollowed out twigs, also picked up from the backyard. The material I used to create these is called Precious Metal Clay (PMC). The process involves coating organic materials such as a leaf with a metal clay paste. You do this until you have thick coating of layers built up. The leaves etc. are air dried and then fired in a kiln, the leaves burn out and you have fine silver castings. Double strands of Abalone shell beads form the 16' necklace with a sterling silver clasp.
Sterling Silver Real Leaf & Abalone Necklace
This turned out to be one of my favorite pieces. The organic materials cast beautifully and turned out better than I had hoped. The ablaone beads complement the way the piece lays on the neck.